Come as you are…seriously, don’t reapply

I have been reading Mindy at The Mommy Blog for an entire week now. Now, some of you will hear “The Mommy Blog” and instantly think there will be posts about needlessly meticulous and overcomplicated crafts, thirty-four step recipes involving saffron, and a story about how she breast fed while pushing her double stroller across the finish line of a charity marathon she organized at night while her children slept in their freshly feng shui ‘d rooms. Well, maybe that’s just me, but Mindy doesn’t talk about any of those things…and that’s what I like about her.

She took the “Come as you are” challenge thrown down by Tracey at Sweetney. Here it is: Post a photo of yourself taken right now and load it up onto your blog or Flickr or, let’s face it, both.

So here I am, right now…


As you can tell, today I spent the morning at Scooter’s Jungle with 50 riotous 1st graders, got my first set of contact lenses (including 30 minute “lesson” on how to stick myself insert them in the eyes) and then made dinner. All of these things were equally taxing on my appearance. But, there I am.