Copy Cat Thrifty Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (made with essential oil)


My guy loves the old-fashioned taste of Thrifty’s Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. I like making my own ice cream and have been frustratingly unsuccessfully at copying the recipe. The ice cream was coming out pretty well, but the texture of the chocolate chips was the tricky part. I tried shaving and pounding chips from blocks of chocolate but nothing seemed right.

The method I outline below matches Thrifty’s the very best. It takes a little extra time but is well worth it! I also use essential oils instead of peppermint extract. It was  more flavorful and I like to cook using doTERRA products whenever I can.


2 cups whole milk

2 cups heavy cream

1 cup sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

3 drops Do TERRA peppermint essential oil

2 drops green food coloring (optional)

2 cup miniature semisweet chocolate chips


1.) In a large bowl, stir together the milk, cream, sugar, salt, vanilla extract and peppermint essential oil until everything has dissolved. Color to your liking with the green food coloring. Pour into ice cream machine.

2.) Place the chocolate chips into a clear Ziplock bag and heat in microwave for 10 seconds (or until softened). Pound chocolate chips flat in the bag until they make a wafer-thin sheet. Place in the freezer.

3.) Fifteen minutes into the freezing, take the chocolate chips out the freezer and pound the sheet through the plastic with the back of a one cup measuring cup. Keep pounding until you’ve smashed the chocolate into tiny shards.

4.) Add the chocolate chips into almonst finished freezing ice cream.

5.) After the ice cream is finished spoon into a container, and freeze for 2 hours or until it is the thickness you like.

6.) Sprinkle with additional chocolate chips for added love and hugs.