Could our summer be more random?

Summer collage

My kids have been out of school for one week now. It has been a random, unorganized, fun, and exhausting week.

I will use this photo collage as a visual aid to demonstrate what happens when you have no plan in place when summer hits. So far, this is what our summer has consisted of:

1.) Cherry on Top, have you been here yet? Just don’t, because once you do, your desire for this special treat will become a driving force in your life, all other things will revolve around how you can end up there. We even had it for lunch one day.

2.) Spending time with friends.

3.) Staying out until the street lights come on.

4.) Educating my daughter about the awesomeness of Lip Smackers–Watermelon.

5.) Searching the perfect Lemon Drop Martini

6.) Reba. My kids are obsessed with watching the reruns on Lifetime. I have zero idea what the appeal is to a five and eight-year old, but it’s a welcome change from Sponge Bob.

7.) Previewing the new summer shows at Disneyland and participating in the press junket (including interviewing Alice in Wonderland). Staying up to the wee hours of the morning editing and writing about all the fun.

8.) Roller Skating. Roller Skating. Roller Skating.

Yea, it’s been a pretty good week. But, I still feel like I should have some kind of action plan. Do you have a plan for the summer? Can we wing the entire summer? Watch me try…
