Five tips/factoids for the male readers of Alive in Wonderland

1.) Jane Austen is NOT Steve Austin's, The Six Million Dollar Man Bionic Man, sister.  She's a famous author.
2.) Leaving a comment calling me a "spoiled, boy-chested, journalism school dropout," while accurate, doesn't hurt my feelings and in the end only makes me happy because it's obvious you've read my blog so thoroughly.

3.)  If you ever need to de-girlie yourself after a particularly estrogen-laden post, watch this The Ducks vs. The Flames video where no less than 10 fights breakout during a six minute period.  I love that the announcers start to discuss who would win if the coaches were to fight each other.  

4.) Rest-assured, you're not the only one, Chris reads my blog, too.

5.)  I have always wanted to sing the female part  of the song "Poison Arrow," by ABC in Karaoke: "I care enough to know…I could NEVER love you!" But, my husband, and every other male I've asked won't do it with me.  If you are interested, and you own a gold lamé suit, email me at 

More Friday Five:

Five things I did last night to avoid working