Friday five: Everybody has Vicodin in their purse, and 4 other things I’ve learned

In today’s Friday Five I’m going to share five things I’ve learned since I’ve been healing my back from my accident. Most of the time I’ve been at home watching TV, working on my laptop and eating my way through every holiday treat Trader Joe’s has to offer, but I have been getting out once a day for lunch or errands.  Here are few things I didn’t know before…

1.) Everyone has Vicodin…and they’re not stingy with it either. I can’t tell you how many gals (God bless them) have pulled me aside and in a whispered voice said, “I have Vicodin in my purse, do you want one?”  Aside from it being illegal and all, I think they are little dolls for offering. Luckily, I have my own Vicodin, but I appreciate the gesture.

2.) My kids can do more than I thought. The situation has fast tracked my “use our children as our personal slaves” plan.  Who knew my kids could do so much–fetch Diet Coke, wash the dishes, draw a bath? If you have a  kid over 5 and they aren’t pulling half the domestic weight in your house, you’re being robbed.

3.) Despite all indicators leading me to believe otherwise up until the day I was hurt, the world does not stop turning if I’m not going at 135% everyday, all day.  It’s surprisingly nice to know I’m not *that* big a deal.

4.) Thanks to the new TV channel ‘HUB’ I now appreciate the genius and charm of Alex P. Keaton.

5.) People like me! They really like me! The outpouring of help has been overwhelming and touching. Some of the bloggers for OC Family had a cleaner come to my house. We’ve been offered meals, sent flowers and had hundreds of Tweets of encouragement, Facebook well-wishes and emails of concern.  Thank you to everyone who has made this time of recuperating easier.