Friday five: Jane Austen & Friends

1) Get your daily dose at Jane Austen Quote of the Day.

2) To continue the age-old debate, Colin Firth or Matthew MacFayden, which is the real (better) Mr. Darcy? The Jane Austen Movie Club. Much too controversial for me to address…

3) Okay, this is for the die-hard fans of Jane. The famous Jane Austen Information Page has everything you ever wanted to know about our girl. My favorite part is this page (here) which has, Jane Austen’s Top Ten Songs, including “Material” Girl for Lucy Steele. For the seriously demented, it also includes answering machine messages from an assortment of characters:

Mary Musgrove: “I am very ill today and quite unable to answer the phone. If I had a visitor, I suppose that person could have spoken with you, but it does not suit the Miss Musgroves to visit the ill, and I dare not rise from my bed for fear that I may be seized in some dreadful way!”

4) How have we lived this long with out a Captain Wentworth or Edward paper doll? Gallery of Paper Dolls has them, plus Heathcliff: Here.

5) This is the table where Jane Austen wrote all of her books. No Mac, no spell check or, just this table and her imagination–remarkable.

Me linking to myself again, “I Want My Jane Austen.”

I have been working on a post called, “Jane Austen’s Guide to Dating.” It still needs work, but it is filled with tips like:
Address the man you you like as “My Mr. Wentorth” and your friends fancy as “Your Mr. Ferrars.” This will help establish who belongs to who’s heart AND, Plus helps you practice saying your future last name.