Friday Five: My top five ’70s TV crushes

In order of coolness to young girls in the ’70s–number five being my biggest crush.

1.) Baretta.
Listen: He loved animals, he carried a gun, and he wore clean, white tanks. What more could a young girl ask for?

2) Stanley “Wojo” Woiciehowicz from Barney Miller.
He had that Polish-American immigrant, big, dopey charm I just couldn’t resist (and which served as a prelude to my ’80s Lech Walesa crush).

3.) Captain Benjamin Franklin “Hawkeye” Pierce from M*A*S*H.
I was drawn to his banter, confidence, and practical joke prowess. His East Coast, college educated air was magical to California-girl-me.

4.) Michael Landon on Little House on the Prairie. I really love Charles Ingles. Though he would have wanted me to go camping, which is grounds for instantly ending any relationship, but he was still, well–M.E.O.W!

5.) The Fonz.
Like you really need me to list the reasons–“Aaaayhh!”


(Yes Fonz, you’re three cooler.)

I loved the Fonz so much that when I was about eight-years old I insisted everyone call me “The Suz.” I even made signs for my room.

My friend Jana begged me not to post that story about “The Suz” on my blog. She thinks it makes me look like a dork-a-mundo.

Other Friday Fives:

Five things my mom never said to me in high school.

Five lyrics to ’70s easy listening songs that I hope aren’t true.