The Story of the Disneyland Corn Dog

I don’t know about you, but I go back and forth.  Sometimes I think life is all about “The Big Picture” things.  Reaching for our dreams. Setting goals then achieving them. The biggies: Births; Marriages; Deaths. Then, sometimes I think life if all about the outtake.  Life’s small pleasures.  Sometimes, especially when I’m really hungry, life seems to boil down to the little things, like–Disneyland’s corn dogs.  

I know that sounds crazy. Superficial.  Fattening.  But, have you ever had a Disneyland corn dog?  Well, please don’t judge me then.  On Friday I spent the day at Disney’s California Food and Wine Festival for OC Family.  I took photos, put together a Whrrl report, interviewed Guy Fieri (who, I’m guessing,  probably shares my corn dog theory), and talked to Disney-types about what exactly goes on at the 40 day festival. 

To see my video of the day, click here.

One of the Disney-types I talked to was Gary Maggetti, Disneyland’s Director of Food and Beverage.  If there’s one thing about Gary (besides looking a lot like David Duchovny and having a voice that would make James Earl Jones sound like a prepubescent boy) it is he can tell a story.  He really gets into it.  When he mentioned he had a “Disneyland Corn Dog STORY”  I hit record on my FLIP and let him have at it. So, even if you aren’t into corn dogs (like that’s even possible), here is a great little story. (Plus he tells us where to get the delicacy while the park is being redesigned.)

I suspect the answers to life lies, like most answers, somewhere in the middle.  Right between “climb the highest mountain” and the Disneyland corn dog. 


For more of my unsound theories and random observations, check out my newly reconstructed “About me” page.  It includes things like: “I have a theory that biscotti is a mafia-backed baked good because I haven’t ever met anyone who likes them, yet they are everywhere” and the more earnest “Someday I hope to be the person my mom thinks I am.”