So-So has been axed and other Disneyland news

Magic shop
It’s been a tough week for the invisible people in our family. There’s no way to sugarcoat this so I’m just going to come right out and tell you: So-So was fired from The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland for being “too scary.”
You’d think that being a frightening ghost who says “WhooWhoo HaaHaa” to the little kids would make him an asset to his employers. But, when you swoop down and pick up a little boy and fly him all over The Haunted Mansion and leave him at The Magic Shop on Main Street without telling his parents that’s where he should be collected, well, you get your pink slip pretty fast.
So-So has quickly recovered and now has an office job in Costa Mesa. He’s the boss, but no one knows exactly what he does.  It has something that for sure involves making lots of copies and using a stapler. So, yep, he’s a working hack now. A stuffed shirt.  In this economy he was lucky to find anything at all.
Coco, So-So’s dog, broke his leg last Thursday and spent the entire day at the veterinarian. When he got home we realized he couldn’t jump up onto the ceiling fan, where he sleeps. I volunteered to give him a boost, but Ben just laughed and said, “Mommy, Coco is too heavy for YOU.” So Ben had to hoist him up using two swords and marshmallow shooter.
The next head-spinning development is that Knock-Knock, So-So’s brother, is now a girl. I didn’t want to ask too many questions, so I just let that one go…
If you haven’t the slightest idea what I’m talking about, you can click on these stories below to fill you in on So-So, my son’s invisible friend.
A friend you can’t see is a friend indeed
The Ghost in him
Originally published January 0092