I just called to say I love you and also something I will probably regret later

Five phone messages I suggest you NEVER leave your husband at work.

1) “Honey, did you take the kids with you to work this morning? Oh, never mind, here they are.”

2) “Me again, I know you said “no” to that Coach purse, but the gal at the purse counter at Nordstrom wants to talk to you about it. I’ll leave my phone with her. Give her a jingle when you can. I also gave her your cell number and your email. Hope it’s okay. Her name is Jen. She is like, such a sweetheart and…”

3) “Hey babe, my husband is going to San Francisco tomorrow and…wait…what number did I call?”…click

4) “Yeah, hi, call me back. I want to tell you something horrible I heard about your stinkn’, liar of a boss. Um, I’m not on speaker am I?”

5) “Hi, it’s me. **stammer**You know your 1967 Mustang that you loved…I mean love…**deep sigh**…loved? Call me back when you aren’t with people who are offended by cursing.”