Friday Five: Five surprising reasons to watch Real Housewives of Orange County


You might think that The Real Housewives of Orange County is a frivolous show, a time-waster, just another reason to move to Portland, but there are some perfectly solid reason to tune-in to those housewives on Bravo, Nov. 5th.   In past episodes they have proven to be helpful, insightful, and entertaining, but possibly not in the way they intended.  

Here are some surprising reason to watch The Real Housewives of O.C.  

1. For Parenting Advice:  Here's how you can gain parenting guidance from the gals on RHOO–do exactly the opposite of what they do. If they have a suggestion on parenting take it, but just flip in around. You'll be golden.  

2. For An Ego Boost: There is nothing that makes me feel like a better mom (or person) than a dose of RHOO. The phrase "I'm not THAT bad" runs repeated through my head while watching, like some kind of self-affirmation conveyer belt. They're like the Tony Robbins of Bravo. 

3. For The Suspense: Heels, alcohol, and poor judgement make it a better suspense show than CSI–someone, at some point is going down: Literally or figuratively

4. Etiquette, style and decorum lessons:  Jo from Season 1 says to her friend while getting ready to go out: Yeah, don't show your butt, it will be classier like that.  Or when Vicki says this about tattoos in during Season 4: It's inappropriate to put that stuff (but she didn't say stuff) on your body. Because no one rocks the natural, no-alterations needed-look like Vicki.

5. Finding new ways of looking at the world: Lauri says in an interview on the show in Season 3: My life has turned around 360 degrees. Referring to how she used to be flat broke and single and now married and loaded, you might think she meant 180 degrees, as in it's totally different than before. But no, she means life is a circle.  It's the circle of life.

You see, these gals are actually brilliant social commentators, week after week pointing out the irony and satire of modern life. Right? I mean, it's educational. 


Read my "The (more) Real(istic) Housewives of Orange County" post.