Friday fives: Things I love that are English

Things I love that are English, the list…

1) Morrissey, The one and only…still


2) Boden Catalog never disappoints. It has the most charming clothes–see them here.


3) The Bronte sister. I have always been captivated, not only by their work, but by their sisterhood. Maybe because I don’t have any sisters. I am intrigued by the emotional tethers that bind them.


(I know they don’t look like very much fun in this picture, but I sure they perked up at a party. Really.)

4) Ernest H. Shepard, The illustrator of Winnie The Pooh…


I am intrigued by his life. Here is the “Pooh-ish” biography on him -Here- but, this is more what I think is the true story -Here-.

Oooo a conflicted grumpy, artist, my favorite (see Morrissey above and Ramsay below). I am stunned no one has made a movie about him yet.

5) Gordon Ramsay, the chef and reality TV star.


Not the mean Chef Ramsay from Hell’s Kitchen, but the smart, passionate and caring one from the BBC’s Kitchen Nightmares.

There are more: Lloyd Cole, Jane Austin, Monty Python, Bridget Jones, Boots Products, Addidas by Stella (McCartney) work out wear and shoes,and I am sure I will think of more…