Orange County Daily Photo dedication

I added a “Daily Photo” to my blog about a month ago. It started out as “Today’s Snapshot,” but that implies it was taken that very day. Now, though I lead a devastatingly interesting life, I couldn’t produce anything worth your time every day. (Unless you have an unending interest in laundry and flip flops.)

The reason I started a daily photo was to give a quick little something to my friends and readers who are too busy to read a long, fascinating story about how I had the song “Wake me up before you Go-Go” stuck in my head one summer or watch a three minute video about how I’m too afraid to get off the freeway in LA.

I also feel a great, unexplainable, exceedingly obsessive need to share (my) Orange County with the world–whenever the world decides to stop by my blog (which it hasn’t yet, even though I send it an email blast every week).

So, Alive in Wonderland’s Daily Photo is dedicated to my hurried, productive friends who read my blog…oh, and to the world.

Everyday. One picture from Orange County…or a collage…not necessarily taken that day…yeah, and not particularly very good…now I’m just rambling.


I love this picture taken in San Juan Capistrano this weekend.