McSweeney’s Bundle Jumble

C1ef750a898addf74c013431f9ccecf2_5 If you are interested in writing, or writers, or reaching new heights in absurdity and wit through storytelling, you should read McSweeney’s “Believer.” Not to be bossy or anything, but McSweeney’s is offering a bundle of past issues for $15 ($15 I say!) Look here for proof.

I ordered “The Believer Book of Writers Talking to Writers.” This is the quote from the book that commanded me to pull out my credit card: Ian McEwan: “The dream, surely, that we all have, is to write this beautiful paragraph that actually is describing something but at the same time in another voice is writing a commentary on its own creation, without having to be a story about a writer.” You should order this too, oops…there I go again, bossy, bossy.

Also, see McSweeney’s store here. Larry would love the Circus T-shirt…