10 Random Things About Me

I’ve been tagged by Nannette to write 10 random things about myself.

1. I truly believe every doctor I meet secretly thinks I’m an idiot. It’s just the way they always say, “Would you like me to write that down for you?”

2. I haven’t ever skied.

3. Every morning when I wake up the first thing I do is stand on my tippy-toes to make sure I can still stand on my tippy-toes.

4. I love doing sit-ups.

5. I wanted my name to be Suzette when I was in high school and subscribed to a forest’s worth of magazines in the name of Suzette Dorton.

6. Past embarassing crushes I am now over: Donahue, Boy George and The Fonz.

7. I prefer lemony to chocolaty.

8. Only recently did I get the pun in “The Beatles.” It’s Beatles. I do get it now.

9. I was once fired from a job as a waitress at a VERY fancy restaurant in San Francisco because I couldn’t open a bottle of wine at the table–I’d totally choke. They called and left a message. My roommate got the message, copied it on to a post-it and put it on my door. It read something along the lines of “(Blank) called. You’re fired. You must be an awful waitress. (Blank) didn’t even say sorry and he was kind of laughing.” The WORST part was that I was dating (Blank) at the time. That’s how bad I was at opening that stupid bottle of wine. I still have a mini-anxiety attack everytime I see a corkscrew.

10. I can’t pronounce the word “amicable.” Many have tried to help, but I just can’t do it.

Vicki, Chris, and Robin consider yourself tagged. (Sorry if you are swamped.)