The making of “If kids ruled the world”

My kids and I went to this far-off place called Yorba Linda on Monday to visit Marcy from The Glamorous Life. It was the first time our kids had met each other and they all got along swimmingly (which they did for about 1/2 hour as well–swim).

Just in case you were wondering what two blogging moms do when they have their kids together on a summer afternoon; they make movies, talk about their blogs and do a Father’s Day craft or two. Marcy and I are new friends, we met through blogging on, and the more time I spend with her, the more confidant I am I have found a kindred spirit.

It was amazing to me at what ease we took to bossing each other’s children around. It must be the sign of true mom-bonding when you can tell the other’s kid to “zip it” after the first hour. Her kids were obviously not strangers to the fine art of sarcasm and had a healthy lack of formalness toward me. They’re good kids–fun.

Marcy’s house is beautiful and she totally accepts that it is going to be trashed throughout the day–which is a characteristic I look for in a true mom friend. She doesn’t run along after the kids with a DustBuster, choosing instead to let’s them eat cookies in the living room while playing Wii–this is all brilliant in my opinion. A good time was had by all…

To watch the movie, “If kids ruled the world,” head on over to my blog “Mommy’s Mind Is Not A Toy” at Don’t resist the urge to comment there.

Equally fun was making this bloopers video of the day’s shoot. Jack really took his directorial debut seriously. As you will see, he had all the terminology down and demanded I pick the onions off his Tombstone pizza. (not really about the second thing–but he’s one film away from it.)

This video is a tad shaky–might want to pop some Dramamine before viewing…
The Making of “If kids ruled the world.” from Suzanne Broughton on Vimeo.
(I love the still frame that was chosen!)