The Broughton Quarterly
The summer issue of Broughton Quarterly is almost completed. I have been so busy with all of my other projects I neglected my responsibilities as Lifestyle Editor a little–well more than a little…So, with a minuscule amount of help from me, it looks like this issue will be one of the best.
We have decided to pretty much cut out Elise’s roll completely from the magazine and though she took the news badly, she has gotten used to the idea of simply being a prop in my office. Please keep sending me silly t-shirts for her, she is sick of wearing this one.
This was the picture that was shot for the last issue, but it was nixed due to the poor quality of the image and cluttered nature of the setup. It just didn’t fit the BQ style. I was going for an Etsy Anthro look, but I don’t think it translated very well.
I thought I would still share it here, since the things are pretty and unique. The title I was working with was
“Inspired Vintage.”
Necklace: Handmade by Jill Schwartz at Earth Angles $132 (Earth Angels Folk Art, Treasures & Heirloom Toys)
Clutch: Handmade by Feral Empire $65 (Feral Empire on
Blouse: by Flutter Fashion $49.99 (Flutter Fashion)
Skirt: by Boden $58 (Boden)
Bird illustration “birdo print neato”: by Matte Stephens $35 (Matteart on
Wallflower bird ornament: by Anthropologie $14 (