Steve Martin once said, “Talking about music, is like dancing about architecture.” Which I totally agree with, but I do think that slamming bad music is completely acceptable….
The website Blender has collected, what I think, is a pretty accurate list of “The 50 Worst Songs Ever.” Who could argue that “Dancing On The Ceiling” and “Take These Broken Wings” shouldn’t be part of the worst songs ever made list?
I would add these miserable songs to the list: 1) Wham!’s “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” (Actually wrote a whole post about having this song stuck in my head one summer), 2) James Blunt’s “Beautiful”, 3) Shania Twain’s “Wow! I Feel Like A Woman” (any song that has an exclamation point in the title automatically should be added to the list, no questions asked), 4) Lynard Skinard’s “Free Bird”, and 5) Gary Wrights “Dream Weaver.”
It was a bit obvious to me that the kids at Blender never had to live through the bleak days of 70’s easy listening music. I chose just one, number 5, on my list from those 8-Track, AM radio days, but there are so many more… Come on, you remember, riding around in the back of your parent’s station wagon listening to such mournful tunes as: Terry Jacks “Seasons In The Sun (young man dies)”, Henry Gross’ “Shannon (dog dies)”, Eric Carmen’s “All By Myself, (whole family dies)”, Michael Murphy’s “Wildfire (horse dies then girlfriend dies)”, Don McLean’s “Vincent (artist dies).” What WAS the appeal?
As to not leave you in utter disgust of all pop music, here is one of my all time favorite artists and songs:
(Crowded House, Distant Sun)
Side note: I was going to do some links to these songs, but I truly couldn’t even stand to listen to them they were so utterly depressing.
Oh I love that Crowded house song.
If you want to experience a song truly sticking in your head, look for Chocolate Rain by Tay Zonday on YouTube, and listen to the WHOLE THING!
Sorry, couldn’t do it. My tolerance level for really bad music is too low. I also didn’t want to chance another bad song stuck in my head experience. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” was just far too tramatic for me.
Did anyone die in the song?