I have my very own channel on Funny or Die. You can go to “Alive in Wonderland” simply by clicking here. It is listed under the channel “Clean” because I shower daily and keep it, well, clean.
I have added two of my videos so far: “Driving the freeways of LA”, and “The hidden theme of Legoland.”
The way the site works is, you watch the video and at the end you vote “Funny” (you loved it, you’re in stitches, did a spit-take) or “Die” (not funny, your bosses video on office safety was funnier, that’s four minutes I will never get back again).
This is my favorite video on playing on “Funny or Die” right now: Ron Burgundy (Will Ferrell) interviewing Tom Brokaw. ” Me likie”
I have tried to watch Ron Burgundy’s interview on my home computer – DIAL UP! Not happening. I will visit again tomorrow at work where we are more civilized and have high-speed! Such a productive use of work time:)
Bo and Luke Duke….from the “Dukes of Hazzard”. Obviously, I am MUCH older than you….
Diet Coke makes the world go ’round.
That one about the vans is hilarious! I love “X.” Los Angeles is one of my favorites. Great way to end the video.
I Stumbled your video channel. Very funny stuff — especially the grocery store one!