Another blissful day at Disneyland yesterday (read about my love for Disneyland Here.) You know you are dialed-in to the “Mom” scene of Orange County when you run into more then two people you know at Disneyland–which I did. (pictured right, Lisa, Nicole, Jana and Jill)
While there, I was intrigued by a mom who stood in front of me in line. She pulled out of her well-stocked backpack a pre-peeled orange in a baggie. This was the snack she had the forethought, energy and time to prepare before heading off to Disneyland. Who are these moms? I want to be a pre-peeled orange mom. I did throw a whole orange in my backpack which was immediately crushed and forgotten for a Disney kid’s meal.
(psst.. Disneyland…”Holiday” decorations in January are not magical anymore–just creepy.)
I felt the same way when my daughter told me her schoolmate came to school with “her hard boiled egg already peeled and seasoned in a snack size ziplock baggie” She added,”her mom does this so she won’t have to waste time peeling her egg and will have more time to play”. I felt a little.. I don’t know..threatened.. So I told my daughter that,”I felt it was more environmentally responsible to send the egg in the wrapper it came in” Ditto for the orange..
I have to tell you that I love your thoughts. Especially on this! I am torn to be prepared and to be too prepared. As for the decorations it is creepy!
Thanks for the comments. I WISH TOO PREPARED was my problem–you are lucky to have options!
Thanks again,