Carrie at Barefoot Gypsy Girl asked to do an interview with me for her excellent, informative and stylish blog.
**Blush** Me?**Really?**What am I going to say?**Lots it turns out…***
Head on over to her blog, bookmark it too. She is seriously sweet, smart, chatty and fun: Barefoot Gypsy Girl.
You and I will talk later about the whole “writing a treatment for a sitcom” thing I mention.
Thanks Carrie! You are certifiably delusional to think I am interview worthy, but, thanks for the vote of confidence.
Now I am blushing. You even lie really well! Thanks, now I’ll have 150 viewers and 5 commenters. Why don’t people comment?
You are beautiful and now the world is catching on to your genius-you’re everywhere! Congrats!
I love reading Barefoot Gypsy Girl several times, daily! Very fun blog. I’m also afraid I could spend all day on yours. I sit and read, then chuckle. Read again. Laugh out loud. Read. Then read some more! I’ve been looking for a new book to read. Instead, I’m just going to start taking my laptop to bed and get all caught up on your past blog posts! Hmmmm…except the reason I read in bed is to fall asleep. That won’t be happening. Thanks for sharing your creative life and thoughts, Suzanne!
This was so nice. It was fun to see you in another way.
Thanks a million for the shout-out! You are a star!