New Years is all about the lists. I love a good list.
Most overused phrases/words of the year: credit crunch, actually and amazing.
Don’t ever use this word in 2008: Hottie (especially if you are a man over 40 years old.)
Most under used phrase of the year: Excuse me.
Phrase I am going to personally bring into style in 2008: It’s Cas (as in It’s Casual).
Person who I hope is actually like how they appear on TV: Tim Gunn.
Person on TV who beleives their own press the most: Kat from LA Ink.
Best Music: Crowded House’s Time On Earth.
Worst Music: Did James Blunt release anything this year?
Best TV Show: Flight of the Conchords.
Worst TV Show: Did James Blunt have his own TV show this year?
Fruit of the year: The Pink Lady Apple.
Fashion trend perched for a comeback in 2008: Dolphin Shorts.
Worst fashion trend of 2007: Anything by “Juicy” but their “Trustfund Generation” line is particularly despicable.
Best book of 2007 that I didn’t read: “The Ordeal of Elizabeth March: A Woman in World History.”
Best book of 2007 I did read: “Born Standing Up,” by Steve Martin.
Best Children’s Movie of 2007: The Water Horse. (We didn’t get out to see an grown-up movie the year entire year.)
Most incredible YouTube video: Battle of Kruger. (You have to watch the WHOLE thing to appreciate its Awesomeness.)
Broughton Household specific:
Biggest insult in the Broughton house for 2007, in order of degree of hurtfulness: baby, diaper baby, Goo-goo-gaa-gaa baby.
Worst cooking mishap: Christmas Eve cornbread or corn “brick” bread.
Most quoted movie line: “Dumb Dumb give me gum gum” from Night at the Museum.
Purshase that perplexed Larry the most: Pink Donna Karen purse bought at TJ Max.
Best Netflix rental: The World’s Fastest Indian. (We are way behind in our movie watching)
Have a safe and happy New Year.
Most under used phrase of the year: Excuse me.