Awesome discussion addressing an issue close to my heart: journalism and the blogger. Even more exciting, the idea of amateur professionals (Pro-Ams), creative people committed to doing things well and with passion.
Leadbeater’s idea of the new organization models sounds like OPPORTUNITY. There are still rules, just new ones.
well, this was inspiring but it’s a bit of a shame that he discounts the creativity that CAN come from corporate structure. the bigger message for me is that you can’t mandate or codify creativity. what i do wish is that everybody would hurry up and quit saying MY way is right, no MY way! yes, opportunity is the message too. it makes me excited for the future 🙂
I just read a speech by Cory Doctorow along these same lines. The transcript of the speech is at, and a video of the lecture is at Similar message slightly different perspectives. Exciting stuff!