I wasn’t ever much of an athlete, but I have always jumped right in to things that I liked. My enthusiasm for any particular sport, new passion or random hobby has ALWAYS out-matched my skill at the activity.
My friend Glen (You remember Glen from this video) and I had the conversation recently about the dubious award given in school sports: Most Improved Player.
He believes it’s given as a consolation to the player who is, well, too lame to get a “real” award. Me? Being optimistic, sunny, trademarked naive, I argued it’s given to the person with the most gumption and brightest future.
Then this weekend I found these awards, which explained my staunch support on the side of MIP.
All from the same year–seventh grade. All from the three sports I participated in that year–volleyball, soccer, and softball.
Holy COW! You save EVERYTHING!!!!
if you’re like me (which you sometimes are) you will be over the moon when emily excels in sports. sometimes, i think it’s our (slightly broad) generation of women that were hold-overs from the it’s-ok-to- cheer-for-the-boys-instead-of-being-an-athlete-yourself era. although i suck at all sports, both my daughters are able to play volleyball — the only sport where the ball is ALWAYS coming right at your head…
I have often wondered about the ‘most improved’ award. For years I thought it was really saying ‘Boy you sucked when you started but now you are not half bad’….but upon reading this post it means “you are so awesome you are certain to go on to have a funny blog and take great pictures..now don’t waste your time with sports k?”
That video is hilarious. You all seem like a fun group. I think the MIP is an honor. It is awarding something other than just skill: Dedication, Determination, Courage. I think you should be proud! Who cares how lame you are? Ha ha ha ha
Now all you need is a Most Improved Roller Derby Award!