My daughter Emily watched all the goings-on at our house when we were getting ready for the photo shoot for the fashion layout in Broughton Quarterly. She took it all in and then, on Sunday, she declared, “Mom, I am going to do my own photo shoot.” Hearing her say “photo shoot” was priceless, like when she said, “Mom, are you being sarcastic?” Such grown-up words.
She went right to work on the backdrop first, using left-over poster board from her book report. She made two scenes; one winter and one summer. She dressed “Jewel,” her Build-A-Bear Bunny, up for the first shot.
(Notice how she taped Jewel’s hand up to look like she is holding the butterfly net.)
Taking the photos with our Cannon Rebel, she looked like a pro. She even turned her cap around backwards to accommodate the camera, a real pro.
Then she changed scenes and dressed Jewel in winter hat and mittens.
(Hat and Mittens bought at Babies R Us, $9.99)
Needless to say, Jewel has been a real Diva since her photo shoot; demanding tall soy carrot lattes and a prominent place on our family Christmas Cards. She is so not going to get that Build-A-Bear Gift Certificate to buy a new Hello Kitty purse if she keeps it up.
Being the proud Mama that I am, I had to share my daughter’s cleverness with BQ’s (Broughton Quarterly, pay attention) Editor, Matt Katz. I sent him an email explaining Emily’s ambitions and attached the picutres.
Here is his reply:
From: Matt Katz
To: Suzanne Broughton
Subject: Re: Emily—future Style Editor?
You’re fired.
(Thanks for the tip on the new hire.)
Ah, that Matt. (I hope he was kidding)
the apple doesn’t fall from the tree – kids are such a “hoot” (love to use that word – hoot)