Summer is coming. Doesn’t it seem like during summer you spend a lot of time in crowds: the OC Fair; Disneyland; the Beach? Walking through tight spaces with loads of people jammed in together is challenging to your nerves and hazardous to your feet.
In today’s Friday Five, I identify the most troublesome of all crowd walkers. We’ve all been guilty of being at least one of them at some point. I’m the worst #4 ever.
1.) The Sudden Stopper. This person seems like their cruising along just fine and then *BAM* for no reason at all they suddenly stop, leaving a trail of bumping and cursing behind them. Sadly, there is no cure for The Sudden Stopper.
2.) The AboutFacer: A highbred of the Sudden Stopper, these people will stop on a dime, pivot and start walking the other direction. This is the most problematic of all the crowd walkers because you find yourself face to face with the aggravators. Please try to watch your language around the kids. (Note to self, really.)
3.) The Red Rover Walkers: These people insist on holding hands with their entire extended family while walking through a crowd. On an emotional level I totally understand it, but on a practical level, can’t they see the peeved wake of people they are creating? Surely that can’t be good for the family’s morale.
4.) The Searcher: These are the people who, while walking amongst a sea of people, suddenly have something they absolutely MUST find at that very moment. They search their purse, their phones for that email, their backpacks, their strollers, right in the middle of friggin’ crowd. These are really the most pathetic of all the troublesome crowd people.
5.) The Stroller People: Okay, not to bash on moms with strollers. I was one for years. I know how hard it is; the dirty looks; the tight spaces; the need to have a place to hand your shopping bags. I get it. But some of the stroller people need to remember they are pushing a stroller, not a bulldozer. For the reputation of moms everywhere, please remember to be polite and accept there are just some places your stroller (God bless it) can’t go. If you are a stroller person, please to smile and say “Thank you” when people let you by, remember you’re a mom with a stroller, not the Queen of England.
Other Friday Fives
Five of the most troublesome meeting personalties identified.
Five men who have my permission to wear tank tops.
Oh, I MUST leave a comment! Because I always get so upset with people who just stop dead in their tracks (#1). I encounter them constantly. I will even point it out to them and tell them to keep walking! lol
But we’ve probably all been guilty of at least one of those trespasses… haven’t we? 😉