I love the website Etsy. It’s a place where people from all around the world can buy and sell homemade items–like artwork, purses, jewelry, clothes–online, without the overhead of a store or the hassle of lugging everything to an outdoor fair. It’s free to anyone who wants to join, and any purchase made is protected by the all-powerful “Pay Pal.”
One might say, I’m a little addicted to Etsy. (“One” would be my husband.)
I buy things from Etsy that I would have bought from Pottery Barn, Z Gallery or even Target (and the prices are better.) I like the idea of supporting small, independent artist–many of them are moms who work from home.
I check in daily to see what’s new. Recently, I decorated my seven-year-old daughter’s room with four pictures from one of her favorite artists; The Black Apple. She likes her artwork because it usually has animals in it and the girls aren’t “all smiley,” which apparently she doesn’t like.
I love exposing my daughter to a variety of artists and their crafts. Our “visits” to Etsy have inspired her to make her own personal journal, decoupage dress forms (at The ARTbar in Santa Ana), design jewelry and draw portraits of her friends and pets. For Christmas last year I ordered this personalized portrait of all her pets that hangs in her room. (See it here. )
Go check out Etsy with your kids and if you have your own Etsy shop, please leave a comment so we all can swoon at your talent. (Especially if you are an OC Mom. I would love to check out your shop.)
Some of my recent purchases:
A handmade case for my iPhone from: JPat.
A charm necklace for my friend’s birthday at So Charmed. (Don’t look Vicki…seriously, DON’T!)
A poster for my son’s room at Matt Art (Artist, Matte Stephen’s shop.)
These mouse pads from Mirror Girl are made with artwork from a variety of Etsy artists.
I wrote this for The Mom Blog at ocregister.com. You can go (here) to comment if you like…
Thanks for the heads up on Etsy! I do most of my Christmas shopping on line, and it sounds like they have some truly unique items. Going to check it out NOW!
cute cute cute stuff – found lots i like
O yea – didn’t look at those adorable charm necklaces and bracelets – i swear didn’t look at all.