It’s one of those funny ironies in life that one of the most important aspects of our lives, one of the biggest blessings, one of the things you treasure the most–friendships–usually spring from seemly insignificant experiences, inane common interests or sometimes just dumb luck.
The first friend I ever made online, right after I started my blog, was Lisa Mertins. Our friendship started because of a rock. She posted a picture of a beautiful, dark, smooth rock on her blog. I knew that I would like someone who dedicated a whole post to a rock. I’m the type of person who picks up a pretty rock, puts it in my pocket, takes it home, washes it, and puts it with all the other pretty rocks I’ve collected and so is she (‘inane common interest’ illustrated). That rock was a bridge into each other’s lives.
We rarely get to see each other in real life anymore, but Lisa and I met for lunch at Kimmie’s in the Orange Circle on Monday when she was in Orange County for the afternoon. We split a our sandwiches–pastrami and an egg salad if you must know–and as we talked I felt like I could stay there all day surrounded by our friendship, the surly waitresses and the kitsch of St. Patrick’s Day decorations. I felt happy, understood: all because of a rock.
Lisa is a phenomenal artist. She worked for years as an illustrator for The Orange County Register, so her style might look familiar to you. Now, as an independent artist, her work has reached new heights of spectacularness! (Oh, yay, made up word).
Happy for both of you. Lisa is awesome. I agree.
Now, rock on with your bad self!
gotta love having friends like your Lisa… thanks for sharing.. you also made me a bit hungry.
That’s fine and all, but I couldn’t be friends with someone who can draw like that. All I can draw is “the drapes” and a person with that kind of talent just makes me mad. (Not really.)
My mom picked up rocks everywhere we went. EVERYWHERE. She finally had so many that a friend built a fireplace for my mom and dad with their rocks. And there were still rocks left over. It was pretty popular back in the 60s to tumble rocks until they were smooth and polished, but Mom never wanted hers done. She liked them to be just like they were in nature.
When my grandmother passed away we found a huge collection of polished rocks at her house and rock polishing equipment. I’m more a seashell person myself.
I always seem to end up piggy backing on my husband’s more outgoing ways. I never seem to get further than friendly acquaintances or online buddies, but he makes friends all over the place.
Love that bottom pic, btw. I remember her style from reading the Reg on dead tree. 😉
I know what you mean about those seemingly insignificant things that lead you to friends you treasure! So awesome.
Where’s Kimmie’s? And what type of food? I feel so bad about my native Orange self that I don’t know where that is.
oh suzanne – i’m speechless. thank you for your wonderful company on that great day! you are a treasure and i’m so happy we’re firls 🙂
to kathi and julie, polished rocks were in my childhood too! it was my grandparents that fostered my love of natural california (where i always find mine). but they wouldn’t be happy with me — i was taught to never take rocks off the beach or out of nature. kids today… 😉
You lucked out! Good friends are just the best evah!
This was such a nice post to read. I just really, truly enjoyed it. And, loved your photo and Lisa’s artwork. I was lucky enough to lend Lisa a little notepad at a BlogCrush meet-up a few months ago and she thanked me by drawing me a picture on one of the pages. I love looking at it. She is truly talented.
Oh Suzanne, although I’m a little slow replying, I just loved this post! Afterall we met through a pretty uncommon interest!! I feel rocks, ROCK too (sorry)!! While reading this, my iPod random song was ELO: Wild West Hero. I would think a must listen to go with your Dude Ranch?!!
Awesome, awesome! Almost St. Patrick’s Day!!! I like rocks also pretty rocks of course!!!
So sweet Suz.
Friendship is so important to us gals…she seems like a keeper. I mean, hey look at that drawing!!!
Two terribly talented women. Of COURSE you would meet and become friends!