I was inspired by my son, Ben, to make an Acrostic from the word “Whining.” I adore every inch of him, but he has become a champion whiner. Maybe it will help me in the heat of battle. I am sure some of you can relate.
W – Whenever a young child feels helpless, he resorts to this, the only weapon he has against the dreaded “No.”
H – Hunker-down, you are in for a long, drawn-out session.
I – Interject random observations here in an attempt to divert attention, “Look at that bird” or “car” or “flying saucer” or…
N – Never threaten to take away anything that would actually be a punishment to you: TV, Disneyland, computer time…
I – Involve bigger, booming-voiced husband in the saga.
N – Now, take a deep breath and consider what “Super Nanny” would do–that bossy-bunned-Brit is my idol! Just picture her saying “Unacceptable.”
G – Give in–Do you really care if he touches the window one more time?
I would not know anything about this “whining” you speak of
I like the “whine” explanation!