There was this big, scruffy looking guy in a Steelers' Jersey on his phone, facing the mascara section, talking to his wife. This is the one-sided conversation I heard:
Him: They have one with volume and length or length and waterproof?
He listens as he takes the mascaras out, reads the back and then puts them back on the hook.
Him: Yes, looks like they're all waterproof. Oh, here's one with XX Volume and that's waterpoof, too. I like this one "Power XXL" you should get that one. That's the one I would get.
Given this last comment, he looks around to see if anyone overheard, and listens. (Spots me, smiles.)
Him: What colors? Brown, brown-black, black, blue–BLUE! Don't get that one.
He listens some more and finally tosses one into the cart.
As he walked by I said, "How'd you get that job?" He turns back and looks at me, smiles and makes the symbol of a heart on his chest.
I know! Here was this guy shopping for mascara for his wife at Target because he loves her.
It must be love–has to be!
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What a fella! Wonder if he would have been as supportive in the feminine products isle!
That is the best Target story I’ve ever heard.
Oh my gosh I LOVE that!
He’s a keeper. These are the kind of guys you marry. I love it!
I love this….that is LOVE. Really. I hope he went over to the tampon section next. he is a keeper.
That is adorable.
Great slice-of-life moment. I love how the guy looking at mascara packages is drawn to the Power XXL one. It makes sense.
awww! ARE you sure they were married? this sounds like pre-married behavior.
WEll isn’t that just adorable–figures he is a Steelers fan.
awww that’s so sweet! Love that song by madness btw 🙂
Now *that* is a man.
What a GREAT story. I love it.
That ZZ Top line made me spit out my coffee! So you need to pay the dry cleaning bill for my friend.
i love it! i wonder he picks up her other “personal” items as well. that would be WAY impressive!
Awwwww that is ADORABLE! I love little found moments like these. And I don’t know “She’s got legs and knows how to use them …” could really kind of a love ballad …
I think I’m in love with that big, burly, Target-shopping guy:)
I love those little glimpses into other peoples’ lives that add so much joy (or at least a spark) to your own! Thanks for sharing. VERY CUTE.
what an awesome guy!!!!!
Whenever I buy something like that I try to do it fast and know what I have to get before I go that area.
That’s so, so sweet!!
How cute! That’s a story that will make anyone smile!
Like “Gimme all your lovin'” isn’t romantic! Since when? Hahahaha/ Like the guys said up there, figures he is a Steelers’ fan.
Sometimes guys surprise me!
Seriously awesome 🙂
Only you could have captured this for us, Suz. Thanks for the early valentine. : )
Oh….how sweet…how truly, truly sweet.
That is the perfect Valentine’s story. Wow. What a guy.
BTW, I gave you a blog award, if you’d like to stop by and pick it up. 😉
Better than asking for tampon sizes over the phone, I guess…LOL!
uh…am I allowed to say such things here on your site? 🙂
You held it so long! Impressive.