Movie trailer voice man:
“It started out innocently enough, just a simple girl looking for a simple hair cut, what comes next is a dizzying string of senseless emails that pulled them away from the people they loved and the work they tried to avoid”
From: Suz
To: Vicki
Subject: Ideas for haircut
If you have time can you send me some ideas for my shorter hair cut. I can’t find anything particular
that I want. I want it short in the back but I don’t want it to be short in the front. That is about it for ideas.
I always wear my hair in a pony. It would take me AT LEAST an hour a day to make my hair look “non frizzy” I love my hair, but I don’t even devote that much time to my husband. let alone a beauty regime.
Love your blog….
From: Vicki
To: Suz
Subject: hair
Hey Suz
I think something like these. You have think, wavy hair, just thin it out, lots of layers and let the waves do what they want.
Something easy where you can wash it and put some product on it and go, let it either air dry or just lightly dry it.
I think that Meg Ryan has really wonderful hair and I think yours has curl / waves like hers. Any of the following would look great on you.
If you don’t like these tell me so I can find some others.
From: Suzanne
To: Vicki
Subject: Re: hair
K- Your last email was in my junk mail…….now Yahoo! is
making judgment calls on my friends, great.
I like the last one.
From: Vicki
Subject: RE: hair
Tell Yahoo! I am not JUNK!
But I think that the last one is too straight without a lot of work?
It is a very cute cut. What happens if you put product in your hair and let it air dry?
From: Suz
To: Vicki
Subject: RE: Hair
Think Gilda Radner, 1979.
From: Vicki
To: Suz
Subject: RE: Hair
No it’s not that big and frizzy –
You just need the right products and you’ll look just like Meg Ryan.
From: Suzanne
To: Vicki
Subject: RE: Hair
That is the EVIL LIE that has filled my bathroom drawers with an endless supply of products and emptied my wallet of much needed cash.
Listen sister, you can come over and look at ALL of my products. I could have bought a horse with the money I have spent on flattening, defrizzing and calming hair products. My hair can’t read labels and therfore, doesn’t know it is suppose to be sleek, shinny and flat. It just does what is does best, be a frustrating time suck.
All you good hair people are the same, “air dry”… please!!!!!!!
From: Vicki
To: Suz
Subject: RE: Hair
I don’t want it to be sleek or flat.
It should be crazy, wild and sexy just like you.
From: Suz
To: Vicki
Subject: RE Hair
While this is so true, I forgot one of the most important aspect of my hair problems, I hate to have
my hair touching my face. I really really hate it.
It gives me the hebby jeebies……wild would touch….
To: Suz
From: Vicki
Subject: RE: Hair
Geez – just get a buzz cut and be done with it.
Your friend Vicki knows what she is talking about – love those hair cuts – too bad you didn’t get one of those –
Ha Ha Ha
love ya,
I remember many years ago, you were trying to grow your bangs, and the day your hair stayed behind your ear without a pin was cause for rejoicing.
Favorite Apple: Fuji
Elvis, Costello or Presley? Presley
Last time you sent a letter (actually had to have
stamp sent through the mail): October 9, 2005 (that does not inc. cards sent)
Combine 3 men to make the perfect man (don’t list your
spouse and make us all look bad): Cary Grant because he is so graceful and smooth, clint eastwood, because he is a stud, & Elvis because he was a babe
If you had a horse, what would you name it? George
What time in the past do you think you should have
lived? Biblical times so I could lay around drinking wine and eating cheese and break with no guilt
One place you would like to visit before you die? italy
I wish I would have wrote that: “The way we Were”
What would you autobiography be titled: “Who Cares”
What did you want to be when you were 10 years old: A dolphin trainer
Favorite line or scene from a movie: The hospital scence from ‘The Way we Were”.
What are your signatures colors? Black because I am deep and mysterious…..
If the Talent Fairy came to your house tonight, what
talent would you like her to bestow? The gift to play piano by ear
Ah, the land of the free!
You have the right to free speech as long as you speak English.
best regards, Greg
Lady Gaga is probably my biggest guilty pleasure in music. I can’t explain why I like her.
And you?