I am getting this to you just in time…Go see Discovering Chimpanzees: The Remarkable World of Jane Goodall! It ends Sept. 7th, so make plans to GO! The kids will be climbing the walls and howling like wild beasts–in a good way that won’t land them in a time-out.
As a treat for the last day of summer, my girlfriends and I took our kids to the new Muzeo in Anaheim (Click here to see their website) to see this exhibit. It was one of the most well done museums for kids I have ever attended.
Even my four-year-old learned something about the downright captivating world of the chimpanzee. “See that baby chimp?” he said as he pointed to one of the many giant photo murals. “He’s way stronger than me.” He learned about a chimp’s super strong grip from one of the kiosks.
The place is packed with interactive videos, hands-on activities, and even has a replica of Dr. Goodall’s first tent and work center. A good time was had by ALL–even the grown-ups learned about the more complex and saddening issues facing the species.
It was just as much about the passion and commitment of Dr. Goodall as it was about the animals. She is truly a remarkable person. It was fun to “hang out” with her for an hour. At least that’s how it felt.
At the end of the trip, my friend Jill asked the tired-out kids, “What was your favorite part of the Museum today.” “EVERYTHING!” was the reply.
Next up, Inside Africa starting Oct. 4th–we are so going to that one as well.
Written for my blog at The Orange County Register, “Mommy’s Mind Is Not A Toy.”
I’m a Jane fan. Or at least I am b/c I don’t really know all the specifics. That’s my caveat in case she’s done something dreadful. But seriously, that kid singer, Raffi, has a song about her, and the first time I heard it I cried. That’s an embarrassing fact but I don’t embarrass easily. I thought maybe she had died and it was some kind of tribute. Then I learned that she hadn’t, but it can still make me cry.