Steve, from the british TV show “Couplings,” makes my point for me from my post : “Fun Money” And Other Concepts Lost On My Husband.
Concepts Lost On My Husband:
Fun Money
The concept: Money that was not expected can be splurged without guilt or responsibility.
His take: Money is money.
Accessories for dogs
The concept: dogs have the need and right to be accessorized with diamonds, sweaters and $65 leashes.
His take: It’s a Friggin’ dog.
The Rule of Calorie Transference
The concept: If I don’t purchase french fries with my meal and eat them off his plate, they are calorie-free.
His take: Get your own.
Decorative Pillows
The concept: They pull the room together.
His Take: Worthless, time-consuming, fluff.
Laura Ashley Nightgowns
The concept: You think you look like Elizabeth Bennet.
His take: He thinks you look like Elizabeth Bennet.
We have had similar discussions about throw pillows. He says “it seems like you always move them before you sit down. But you know robin, they sure do spruce up a room don’t they?” what do you think that he wants from me with that statement?