This is our new dog George. We got him last night at a charity auction for the Back Bay Therapeutic Riding Club.
Like we had a choice. Just look at him…more to come.
By: Suzanne Moshenko10 Comments
This is our new dog George. We got him last night at a charity auction for the Back Bay Therapeutic Riding Club.
Like we had a choice. Just look at him…more to come.
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nik says
Billy, er I mean George- is so very precious! You’re right, you didn’t have a choice. 馃檪
Marcy Massura says
Oh my, oh my…what a cute face! and a great photo too! He kinda seems to be looking at you like “seriously woman- do you plan to photograph me all day?”…”um, when do we play?”………..Congrats on your new family member. How do all the other animals on Farm Broughton feel about him?
Annie says
too flippin’ cute!
andrea charroin says
What a lucky dog
Nat says
I’m A little nauseous from all the cuteness. Let me guess, we are going to see more pictures of this guy? Just don’t start with the cat, please! Not the cat!
ConNie says
Shut up if that isn’t the sweetest face I have ever seen! You were goners!
Jessica says
Aaaaaah!!!! SO cute!!
Missy says
He’s adorable!
girlwithmask says
Ohmygosh… OH.MY.GOSH. He’ll break a few heats…
Jeff Sipper says
Wow! Looks like he could me a cousin of my dog! What kind of dog is that? Looks almost like a Border Terrier mix, maybe? 馃檪