There are some blogs that have been there with me from the very beginning. I first met Miss Cellania when she linked to my “Note found in the fridge” , way back when my blog was an itsy bitsy baby. Miss Cellania has links, doctored-up photos staring Miss C. herself and YouTube videos from anywhere and everywhere on the internet.
If it’s funny, you’ll probably see it first on her blog.
Since our first introduction I have sent her, “The sad lonely life of a mom’s coffee cup”, “Shameful things I have eaten as a mom”, “A hypochondriac’s Twitter chain” and probably a few others that she has linked on her site.
Thanks Miss. C.
Miss Cellania is a good site to add to your Google Reader/Bloglines so you can check in with her daily. Her posts are bite-sized and every once in a while she’ll write something herself, which is always ‘ilarious.
It was her support when I first started writing that encouraged me to stay up nights typing-away. There are some people out there that if they think you’re funny, you can safely think, “Hey, I must be funny.”
Go ahead and send her things that you find on the internet that make you laugh or even things you have written. (She will usually link back a “thanks” if she uses it.) She is always looking for good stuff and she can’t see EVERYTHING!…or can she?
Email your own or lifted funny stuff to her at
Thanks again Miss C for your support, example and encouragement! You rule the school and I don’t say that to anyone over 10 years-old unless I truly mean it.
Wow, I’m honored! Now I gotta do something worthwhile to deserve this… or maybe not, since that’s too much like work.
Good link. Thanks.
Hi Suzanne – Thanks for introducing us newbies to Miss Cellania. Also, have to tell you that it was great seeing you at the OC Moms event. I was feeling a bit blue about my OC Mom blogging and you really lifted my spirits. I’m actually thinking about starting my very own blog now. Although, I don’t comment much, I enjoy reading your blog and column almost everyday. Thanks!!!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m loving your digs here!! I’ll definitely be back. 🙂 ~Jill BTW… you asked if I had a Mac or PC? I have a PC. Now I’m up and running again. It’s taken me all day to get this thing set up. Arrrggghhh!!
Jill here again!! I love love love your Youtube Channel!! How cool is that? Now I’ll be addicted to your blog for sure!!