I love Nora Ephron. She’s an aclaimed screenwriter (When Harry Met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail and Silkwood), essayist and author. Her novel, Heartburn, an autobiography about her messy divorce, was turned into a movie with Meryl Streep playing the part of her. Please watch this clip of Nora’s clever speech at the AFI’s introducing Meryl Streep. Then meet me at the paragraph below.
More on Nora in another post, but this got me thinking about who would play me in the movie of my life. Well, there are the obvious choices any girl would make: Audrey Hepburn (too beautiful); Gwyneth Paltrow (too prestine), or Julia Roberts (too tall). This is going to be harder then I thought…..
I asked my friends, Jana and Jill, who they thought it would be. Jill graciously offered up Shelly Duvall. Oh Jill. Both of them came to the same conclusion. This is very cliche’…. Meg Ryan was the consensus. That’s okay with me. She was Nora’s actress of choice, so it all ties in well.
(Though if Meg Ryan had to play me for a day she would never be able to figure out the over-complicated line-up procedure I have to follow at my kid’s school for drop-off/pick up.)
To pass some time I started to think of all the people I know, and who would play them in their own movie. Here is my list of family and friends, and the corresponding actor/actress who I would choose to play them. I must mention, however, that these choices are based more on the actor’s personality then looks (though my brother Randall does look astonishingly like Jeff Bridges).
Larry: Gary Cooper; Goot: Sandra Bullock; Jill: Kate Winslet; Glen: Jack Lemmon; Joey: cross between, Steve McQueen, Clint Eastwood and Elvis Presley; Bubby: Sam Elliot; Randall: Jeff Bridges; Meghan: Tea Leoni; Vicki: Betty Davis; Mom: Olivia Newton-John (only from Grease); Glenn: John Gotti (He’s not an actor but, that is who will play him, capiche?) Loree: Carol Burnett; Annie: Helena Bonham Carter; Erik: David Schwimmer; Robin: Julia Roberts
Wow – you think Bette Davis would play me??? I love her and all her movies – she is awesome! I will take that as a HUGE compliment.
and yes Meg would play you!!