I think I may have irrevocably angered the Laundry Gods throughout my childhood and single life, to the point now, they are really seeking their revenge.
I thought if I confess my former laundry sins, maybe they can be forgiven and I can FINALLY get caught up:
-As a young girl I would throw perfectly clean, folded clothes back into the laundry hamper to avoid having to hang them up.
-I would toss my dirty Kentucky Fried Chicken polyester uniform into the family’s communal hamper, even though this was forbidden because the stale grease smell would get forever embedded in my brother’s “Angel Flights” (a brand of pants from the late 70’s)
-As a teenager I would obsessively wash my new 501s over and over again until they were just the right shade of blue, blatantly abusing the washing machine as my own personal fashion tool.
-1985, self-made Acid Wash Jeans, deeply sorry.
-As a college student I did a lot of “selfish loads,” consisting of just my jeans and towels, even though my roommates’ stuff was “right there.” (Sorry Randall and Devon.)
-As a young mother I NEVER got to the dryer before the cycle stopped, setting the clothes with deep, unironable wrinkles. So I would repeatedly re-run the dryer cycle in the hopes that the clothes would tumble-out all of their wrinkles (and also giving me time to take a nap instead of folding onesies.)
-Once, about a year ago, I braggadociously said, “I am totally caught up with the laundry.” (The Laundry Gods HATE pride in any form, especially from a housewife. It is the worst form of blasphemy.)
I am truly sorry for my past infractions and some day, I hope to at least see the bottom of my family’s hamper (I know it is down there somewhere). I realize it would be a fleeting victory, but for a brief moment, I would feel triumphant.
I think I have angered them too! When I was teenager I used TWO towels everyday after my shower. One to wrap around my hair and the other for my body. Thank God for pretty floor mats to make my laundry room pretty. I will be spending the rest of eternity on that room!
Confession. I had a garden window installed in my laundry room. I had a marble counter top installed too(sounds fancy). I had visions of neatly stacked beautifl fluffy white towels on that counter. I saw myself gazing out my beautiful garden window looking out on to the deck, watching the boys play while I folded my laundry the MINUTE it came out the dryer. AAhem. Reality is. I can’t see out that garden window or see the bottom of the counter top….and like I tell my boys, ‘I can’t be great at everything’…guess laundry is it for me!
ooh yeah, I know just what you mean. My children love to throw clean laundry in the washing basket *sigh*. It gets handed back to them right away. I DO remember those acid wash jeans though and the same sort of jackets in the 80’s. Ahh those were the days!
You have touched upon something big here. My teen does the same stuff: throwing clean and folded items back into the basket, and the worst offense, tossing wet (on the way to moldy) stuff into a basket which will then sit for days until it officially is ruined. But the real revelation in all this is realizing what we did at that age and now understanding why our mothers/fathers/caregivers were so freakin’ mad all the time.
Nothing more glamorous than LAUNDRY.
Thanks for playing along today…
Laundry is one big think I just can’t get the hang of, either. What’s so depressing is that every time I feel like I’ve made a dent, i’ll be overwhelmed again the next day. Five people make a lot of laundry. 🙁
“What do you mean you don’t have any clean socks? Ok, guess we’ll just stop by Target!”
This is a great confession. About 3/4 of that I could apply to myself (or my laundry….). We’ve got Mount Wash-more at our house. 5 people DO make a lot of laundry. We undress and have like 2 loads already! We’re sharing the laundry room with our friends upstairs, so I’ve had to change my laundry habits. I just spend all day one day a week and get it done. I stay home while everyone else is at school and work and just chug through it all. My kiddos have to put up their clothes when they get home from school and then it’s all done for a week. The hampers are bulging by the end of the week, but that’s OK. I just say, “Nanny nanny boo boo – I’m just ignoring you” to them. That must really anger the laundry gods!
Over on my blog I say “It’s all about the laundry” at least once a week. It IS all about the laundry, and man, it is universal when you look at all the comments here. I needed, and still do, two towels per shower plus one for my feet. I seek the holy grail of freshly dried and still unwrinkled clothing. Right now there are five baskets of clean and folded upstairs, two baskets of dirty clothes on the landing, two baskets of dried and left to wrinkle (requiring re-drying of course) in the living room, a load in the dryer, a load in the washer, and a Mount Wash-more (thank you Sweet Mummy for that one——very, very clever) of at least five loads on the laundry room floor.
Is this why people join nudist communities?!?!?
Is there a such thing as being caught up? For me it’s like Hey, I just did laundry yesterday! Why is there a pile in the boys laudry basket yet again? Laundry is easy to do going in. I Hate hate HATE when it comes out the dryer! That’s the worse part!
Found you at Marcy Writes.