Same ‘ol bossy behavior, new weekend.
These are blogs I have in my Bloglines. If you don’t use Bloglines, you should. (Bossy) So simple to use; create an account (for free), add all of your favorite blogs (I will help you find some new ones), and then throw it up there on your bookmark bar. Bloglines tells you when there is a new post in one of your blogs, helping you keep up with all of your cyber friends. (Hurling you deeper into the abyss of the blog world, Yipee!)
Wexford Girl, Annie’s Blog. The one that started it all for me and her dashing husband’s blog, The Lonely Robot,
Dharam Bum, what happens when you give a man a blackBerry and blog…
Monkey Disaster, John Moe’s Blog.
Lisa Mertin’s Life Illustrated, Lisa’s spectacular, totally not boring, sometimes has drawings of chickens, Blog.
Girl Friday, Nannette’s Blog.
I Like, this is a Scottish blog from a gal named Anne, she is fantastic.
It Had Better Be Good, an Irish girl who writes about becoming a writer.
I Think I Am An Artist, Vicki’s Blog, I actually know Vicki. She has a drawing of me in her latest post. I LOVE red heels.
Bing’s Blog, Stanley Bing’s Blog on Fortune.
Miss Cellania, links and her thoughts.
She Likes Purple, my new read.
Style Scoop, Kat at The Register’s Blog.
Annie Rhiannon, Annie lives in Dublin.
There’s more, but that’s enough for now…
Professional reads:
The Orange County Register, Huffington Post, Slate, OC Weekly, The NYT’s Laugh Lines, and The Onion.
if that’s you, can i be the one in the daisy duke jeans on the left?!?!?