“So-So hates Sissy,” Ben announces, breaking the silence in the car.
“WHAT did you just say?” I ask him, while eyeing him in the rearview mirror. Without backing down, wanting to make it perfectly clear, he says it again, “So-So hates Sissy.”
If you don’t remember, So-So is Ben’s invisible–not to be interchanged with imaginary–friend.
“Ben! Don’t say you hate your Sissy, that’s mean,” I tell him.
“I didn’t say it, So-So did,” he tells me with no hint of sarcasm then turns back to his Nintendo DS.
“Pfft, tell So-So not to say that anymore,” I tell him.
“He’s not here right now, he’s at work. I’ll tell him later,” he says not looking up again.
I think I know what’s going on here. Ben is a follower by nature. He goes along with everyone. He’s easy. He is a bit his sister’s crony and this role doesn’t leave much room for protest. So-So is his henchman. His right-hand (invisible) man.
Later that day, while standing in the kitchen, Ben says, “So-So hates Sissy a lot.” But this time to his Dad.
“Well, So-So just better learn to get along with everyone in this house,” Larry tells him.
Quietly, a matter of factly Ben says, “You’re not in charge of So-So, I am.”
“Well, I’m in charge of you and so that means I’m in charge of So-So and as long as So-So lives under my roof he better mind the rules,” Larry boomed, obviously peeved.
“He lives ON the roof,” Ben says as he walks away. “And he has a job now at The Haunted House at Disneyland. He could live there.”
He is a ghost after all.
Originally published January 2009
This is HILARIOUS and BRILLIANT at the exact same time. 🙂 I personally found myself a little scared of so-so.
heh heh. I love his persistence. You’re not winning this one, Happy Monday!
LOL. I wish So So would come get on my treadmill for me.
I think I’m going to borrow “So So” whenever I get irritated at work. Like this morning. I’m not even there yet, but I’m already irritated. Or I mean SO SO is irritated. Your child is brilliant! I LOVE this!
So can sure be a prick when he wants to be.
So So is just jealous of Emily because she’s like, visible and stuff. So where’s he working at The Haunted House? I hope he doesn’t spend much time with Floating Madame Leota. I’ve heard she’s not a nice girl.
That boy is really too smart for any parents..even fab parents like you guys. You are in deep doo-doo!!!!
I will pray for you both. 🙂
That So So is one crafty invisible friend.
Too funny. You should have him start to pay rent with the money he makes from his job.
Awesome. When my youngest was small, he had an imaginary New Dad. Drove his Real Dad nuts. Because his New Dad let him do whatever he wanted. And his New Dad lived in Tokyo. And his New Dad was taller than 100 buildings. And his New Dad was a robot whose parts knew how to go back together again, if say, he were ever dismantled by a Real Dad.
Got to love that Ben….my youngest, who shall remain nameless, ALWAYS had to have the last word! She grew into a very wonderful productive adult who realizes sometimes you just zip it! So I’m sure Ben will make you proud in near future….I know you are proud of him no matter what So So does.
Don’t you just hate it when they have an answer for everything??!!! That So-So sounds like trouble to me…..
I am laughing!! I love it! You tell a story so well, Suz.
I know So-so! So-so doesn’t like me, either, and he makes me put fattening food in my mouth every, single day. So mean!
I love your husband’s response… so funny. I love So So’s name. Perhaps So So will make a visit to our house next time we need to blame someone :o)
I bet your son could pimp So So out. Who wouldn’t pay to have an invisible (NOT IMAGINARY) friend to blame all the bad bits on?
Wow. I don’t think there’s any way you guys will win this one. So-so is IN CHARGE.
You’ve got great stories!!!
HA! How can you argue with that logic?
OMG! So funny. What a clever kid. What trouble!
What great logic! And a gorgeous picture to go with it!
Ha! I had imaginary (not ghosts) friends when I was little miniature versions of the kids and big dog from sesame street. I would traipse around saying “come on kids” and they would follow me! Love that Ben’s buddy is named So-So!
eee cue the scary movie music- don’t a lot of them start with little children “seeing” things we adults do not?
either that or your son is pretty brilliant and knows how to at least attempt to work the system 😉
Can’t wait for the updates! 🙂
Tooooo funny! I’m growing very fond of So-So…specially if he gets to live in the Haunter Mansion! What a dream! In fact, I think I’m jealous! LOL 😀
I read this to my boyfriend and he laughed out loud. We both did. Thank you for sharing. Please keep it up.
So-So is my favorite! Though I miss Knock-Knock & Tu-tu.