Larry “took one for the team” and went with me to see “Atonement” tonight. It was beautifully written and some of the shots were stunning– there was a continual shot (unedited) that must have been at least five minutes long that was breathtaking. It was beautiful to watch. I would like to see it again, even Larry said he would.
My friend, Lisa Mertins, (You can visit her excellent blog if you just simply click here) also saw the movie and painted this picutre, inspired by Keira Knightley’s exquisite bathing suit.
…and that green dress in the movie…meow…read Keira talking about her absolutely, perfectly fine and pleasantly proportioned body, here. Cheers to her!
thanks for the nod suz!
Atonement was a great flick; it looked and felt a lot like Pride and Prejudice… come to think of it, both movies have the same director, leading lady, both are based on books and both take place in England