This is my husband, Larry Broughton, on Donny Deutsch’s “The Big Idea” back in the Spring of this year.
When the producers from this show first called Larry to ask if he wanted to be on, he told them he had to check with his wife, since it fell right smack-dab in the middle of our family trip to Las Vegas. By the time he reached me to get the answer, which was “Are you kidding, yes” (we love Donny), they had already booked the show and were on to the next. But after speaking to Larry further, they decided to make some room for him. You can see why, he was very good.
So the moral of the story for Larry is, “If a national TV show calls and wants you to be on it as a guest, say yes and THEN check with me. Unless I am locked in a room filled with man-eating lions, with limited oxygen and Human League’s “Facination” is being blasted 24-7 and you are the only one with the key, I will say “Yes.”
I’m so glad you put this on your blog – very cool.
Wow! How great is that? Congratulations to Larry and all his success ~ and he did do a great job with the interview!