(Around the Orange Circle.)
Lunch with Lisa Mertins at The Filling Station in Orange yesterday produced this interactive “Snapshot.”
If you go to Lisa’s website–here–you will see me, taking the picture of Mr. C’s…and a frightening picture of McDonald’s toy dolls that she claims was inspired by my daughter’s Dorothy, but I’m certain her girls are peerless.
As always, spending time with Lisa is inspiring (she’s an accomplished creative mind), comforting (I’m not the only person in the world who collects “interesting” rocks), and downright fun (she’s fun).
There was also Edward James Olmos. He sat at the table across from us at The Filling Station. Lisa didn’t believe it was him, but I saw “American Me.” I’d know his face anywhere.
Fun. Fun. FUN! I wanna come!
oh suzanne! this is my favorite compilation so far and not because of the queen shot. you’re eye is really terrific and i promise to not tease you again about the photos.
thanks for spending lunch time with me. and for showing me what a decent post is like 🙂 you ROCK!
I always new Lisa was a queen. This proves it.
Hey since you might be overkill on the Orange Circle right now- shall we move our thing to The Lab? Is there food there? I need food.
American me was a really powerful movie. I could see why his face is etched in your mind forever.
Thanks for the link to Lisa’s site. Very interesting.
I want to be your friend so bad! Does that sound desperate? I just think it would be fun to hang out you always seem to be going to someplace exciting and I really want my mug in one of these collages.
I wouldn’t care AT ALL if you bossed me around or took pictures of the food. really.
FYI – It’s not called “the circle” it’s called “the plaza.” Calling it the circle denotes that you are from out of town. Most likely from the 949…ha ha!
I grew up in Orange County and have been going to The Circle all my life. I’ve heard it here and there called “the plaza,” but I don’t know anyone who calls it that. I was heard John at “Way Too Fast” store talking about it and he said he had heard it before, but he just calls it The Circle.
So then I asked people shopping, eating and hanging out around there (because I’m like that) and I couldn’t find anyone around who referred to it as “the Plaza.”
It could be a generation thing, maybe younger generation.
Please email, I tried emailing you but you didn’t give your real email address, I’d like to do a story on it (I’m like that). suzbroughton@yahoo.com
Thanks for reading my blog,