While being forced to do her least favorite thing in the world–homework–Em started to tug, press, and fuss on her ear. “It hurts so bad…”
Now, being skeptical by nature and sometimes just for the enjoyment of it, I hardly believed her. Her self- prescribed remedy to “just go lie down and watch TV for a while,” deepened my doubt.
But, given she has had a cold (and this experience) I sent Ben off with Larry and headed for the closest Urgent Care.
While we were checking in I asked how she felt. “Oh, a little tired but…” she started. “No Em, how’s your ear?” “Fine,” she said before she could stop herself.
**insert THAT mom look**
As she squirmed around on the chair in the room the nurse asked, “What ear, honey?” She looked at her, blinked, and slowly pointed at her right ear, “I think it’s this one.”
**insert THAT mom look with head shake added for effect**
When the nurse left the room I pounced, “Were you telling me the truth when you said your ear hurt SO bad or were you just trying to get out of homework?”
Shocked at the very idea, she said, “No, it really hurt, it just feels better now.”
“Well, the doctor can tell in a second if you have an infection and if you don’t we’re going to have a long talk (which is the threat you give when you have no idea what the punishment would be),” I explained, “We’ll just wait and see what she says.”
On cue, the doctor came in and did her “doctor-y” things and then she raised the otoscope to her ear. Em had her eyes pensively on me.
“Oh, yeah. It is really bad in there. She has an infection,” the doctor said, settling it.
With the instrument still stuck deep in her ear, Em smiled the biggest smile right at me.
I started to laugh, hard.
She started to laugh, harder.
The doctor didn’t know what to make of us as she wrote out the prescription.
In the car Em said, “I’m so glad I have an ear infection.”
“Me too, babe,” I said, as I squeezed her little, bare knee.
&&&& Drawing by adorable Miss Avocado on awesome Etsy. &&&
Love it! It’s like that tombstone in Key West that says “I told you I was sick.”
What a crack up! My daughter never pulled that crap because one of our neighbors was a nurse, and I always told her that I would have Theresa come over and check it out! You gotta use whatever you can. Heehee!
Priceless, and great timing for me, as my 12 year old developed tonsillitis today, on the very day where he was scheduled to have a little detention/study period with his math teacher! It’s for real, though. The doc confirmed it.
Ten minutes before leaving for that doctor’s appointment, I got a call from the 5th grader’s elementary school, stating that he has just thrown up and could I please come get him. So, I did, and we all zoomed to the doctor’s office. Doctor did not examine this son but confirmed that there’s a lot of stomach virus going around!
The boys are lucky I wasn’t at today’s regularly scheduled client site, a full hour from home.
My two haven’t figured out how to fake it yet. I’m so glad she had an ear infection too! Well not really happy that her ear was infected…just that she was truthful!
Isn’t that answer programmed in — “FINE” — awfully early? Amazing. My younger daughter does the same thing. I know she hours from her death bed, and I ask, “How’re you feeling, honey?”
Hope Em is up and at ’em soon.
I am SO glad that I am not the only mother that gets skepticle. I feel a bit guilty sometimes, but I was a kid and I KNOW some things.
So glad that she had an ear infection… HAH!
This is so lovely! Ear infections are never fun but she appears to have seen the funny side in hers, which is rather good 🙂
HAHA! Precious. Bet she’s never been so glad to have that ear infection show up.