Dear my blog,
I miss you so much! I haven’t been able to write on you for so long–three whole days! I know, I desperately miss you too. I can see by the stats meter that hardly anyone is coming to visit you while I have been away. Don’t get discouraged. They do love you, they just need something fresh to look at…you know we blog readers…new content hounds and all…
I am having a great time. It has been colder than expected, but it still is beautiful in the Caribbean and all the activities have kept us busy. I have eaten a mountain of food already, which makes me less than eager to put on my bathing suit every day. The kids are deliriously happy and having the time of their lives. Each night they are falling asleep in an instant and snore a happy tune.
Internet access has been difficult to come by, I am a little disappointed in Disney for that–for heaven’s sake, they are Disney. Disney! So, I can’t tell you exactly when I when I will be able to write again–or if I will be able to. The Pirate Party scheduled for tonight is said to be brutal.
Love you ALWAYS,
P.S. Can’t send pictures due to previously mentioned internet snafu.
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Geez we miss you! Hope you are soaking up all that Disney!
finally… something..
It was miserable without you. I’m glad you are back safe, sort of sound, and plumper (though I doubt it).