I love the fact that I can make iMixes. It’s just another way I can be bossy and impose my own personal–and sometimes questionable- taste onto you.
This kind of reminds me of one of one of those things I think I am very talented at, but later realize I was only acceptable at best. Like when I briefly was into Rollerblading–I thought I was great at it until I saw video of myself doing it, tragic.
I have made another one called “Perfect Writing Music.” Perfect for me at least.
To me these songs are subtle enough not to distract, but powerful enough to inspire. Except for “Here’s where the story ends,” by The Sundays. I just thought that would be clever to end it with that song.
I have added some of my iMixes to my sidebar. They don’t exactly, well, they don’t fit, but I can’t resist having them there.
You know, I heard the Colin Hay solo stuff was actually pretty good but hadn’t heard a lick of it until you did this post. Sounds good. Yeah, I know I’m late commenting on this one.