(Photo by me.)
Yikes! Almost a week since posting. I’ve been busy and as you can see from the picture above there’s another Anaheim Ducks story coming your way. But, it’s a good one I think and even if you’re not a hockey fan, which odds are, you’re probably not, you might enjoy this.
On Friday night I slipped on a sequins top and headed down to the Honda Center for The Anaheim Ducks “Center Ice Disco” Casino night.
I’ve never been to any of these “meet the players” type events (though accosting players in the dinning rooms of chain restaurants, I’ve done to death), so I was excited to go with my friend Sara. Yes, I was there to work–so I had my Flip, my notepad and my camera–but I also wanted to tell the notoriously indifferent Corey Perry the following story and so, while in the V.I.P lounge I did tell him and his sweet girlfriend the robot story and this is how it went.
Me: “Hi Corey.” (Blah. Blah. Introduction. Blah.)
Perry: “Hi.”
Me: “My 5-year-old son has that HUGE 6 ft poster of you from the Kids Club Kit in his room and every night he says he’s not afraid because he knows you (Corey Perry) will protect him from the bad guys and monsters.”
Perry: (Forcing half smile.)
Girlfriend: “That’s so cute!”
Me: “Anyways, (deep breath and now talking at breakneck speed because I can tell I’m losing him) for Christmas he got these two robots–Mike and Gib–and we put them up in his room right under your poster. Then, on Christmas night my son asked me to move his robots into the laundry room because he was scared of them and thought they might come to life at night.”
Perry: (Totally and understandably checked out of the conversation at this point.)
Girlfriend: “Awww!”
Me: (Relentlessly forging ahead) “So I asked him, ‘What about Corey Perry? Can’t he take care of them for you? You know, can’t he fight them off?’ Then my son said without a hitch and with total confidence, “Corey Perry doesn’t fight robots.”
Girlfriend, Sara and I: (laugh. laugh. laugh.)
Perry: (Joining back in the conversation for a moment.)
Me: “So, do you?”
Perry: (With knitted-brow) “Do I what?”
Me: “Do you fight robots?”
Perry: (Smirking) “I’ll fight anyone.”
And that’s why Corey Perry is my favorite hockey player. The end.
Here’s my video from the night.
Originally published January 10, 2010
You are so cute Suz. I loved your Robot story…what is the deal with him???? Too many hits to the head maybe.
Love those wigs..so funny!!
Corey Perry is the man. The best player on the Ducks and I bet he wasn’t kidding, he would fight anyone. Great story.
Since I was there…I figure I might as well confirm…
You nailed this one right on the head. “Totally checked out of the conversation…” I’d say that pretty much details him perfectly. I told someone he was “easily distracted”. LOL!!!
I had TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun…thank you again, seven billion times over, for taking me!
I think I have expressed this to you on several occasions but I can’t stress it enough YOU’RE HOT!
I like the story too. Corey Perry is on his way to become a hockey legend, this story adds to his reputation. I can understand why he’s your favorite player
I would be disappointed if he acted any other way 🙂
Nice job on the video. Made me wish I could have gone. Maybe next year.
haha that is the cutest thing ever! I can picture Corey’s mannerisms perfectly. not the most social of people, but still adorable.
You are funny chickie!
Those wigs are funny too!
Great story. And Corey means it: http://www.hockeyfights.com/players/1785/fightcard/reg2010
Corey’s gf sounds great.
… and that’s why you’re my favorite blogger. the end.
This is hilarious! Perry is the best!
HA! that’s a great story!
That was a funny story and I can see you all in the conversation.
This story is awesome! I can just see him doing and saying all that. Exactly how I picture him and you are freakin’ HOT. So all & all great stuff.
Sequence top? Did it go on first or second?
It’s sequins.
gotta love bobby at the end….”and who am i waving to?”
You’re too cute. I love how you forged ahead, despite his aloofness! I would’ve done the same.
I admire your bravado! Not sure I would ever have had the chutzpah to go up to him in the first place.
LOVE the wigs!
I dont think he gives a damn about what people think of him. He is so well accomplished and most hockey players self included will say the same thing. Its a courage the average man cannot understand
well, as someone who’s only mildly interested in hockey, i can say you kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! but i can’t help but wonder where so so fits in with the nighttime protection force…
Awesome! So cool to get to meet all the players! 😀 Lucky girl. When you get to be totally their best friend, if you ever find out that one of them happens to be Josh Groban’s buddy, you know what you’ll have to do right? Have a party, invite Josh and ME. I’ll fly, drive or even jog all the way to Orange County to be there! Ha ha. 😀
That is so cool… I know nothing of Hockey but I do know sports, he should have sent your son a note or something, that would have been even better.
This is so awesome. Perry is such a prick but I can’t help but like the guy. I think it’s funny you knew that going in, only a good fan would handle it the way you did.
The liked the video, too. You look hot.
Однако нельзя сказать, что игровая механика сильно отличается от той, что мы видели в оригинале. Методы вице-президента Lost весьма схожи с принципами работы Нико. Джонни разумно управляет клубом и не склонен к бессмысленному насилию. Но в какой бы уголок Либерти-сити ни забросила его судьба, большинство трупов окажется именно на его счету. И несколько новых “стволов” тому способствуют. Гранатомет отлично подойдет для разборок с группой противников и транспортом “Ангелов смерти”, а обрез и боевой дробовик неплохо показывают себя в помещениях и погонях, когда Джонни ноздря в ноздрю несется на мотоцикле рядом с удирающей целью.
Love it!!! People from 60’s 70’s really knew how to Party.
Awesome!!! I wish I was there.
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Сферы бизнеса, в которых полезно использование виртуальных туров и 3D панорам:
Виртуальные туры – для Недвижимости НЕДВИЖИМОСТЬ(продажа аренда квартир, домов, офисов) – применение панорамных фото даст возможность просмотреть месторасположения и интерьер интересующих объектов и не выходя из офиса позволит отобрать наиболее приемлемые варианты сэкономив время и деньги на поездках.Это наиболее актуально для желающих приобрести дома в другом городе либо стране.
Виртуальны туры – для туризма. ТУРИЗМ ( возможность посмотреть предпологаемое место отдыха) – виртуальный тур позволит путешественнику детально рассмотреть не только интерьер предлагемых номеров или домов,а так же территорию, оценить преимущества, предпринять пару шагов по отношению к понравившемуся курорту.
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