List for girls who Grew up in the 70’s
I would like to add to this list:
-You and your cousin (or sister) did “shows” for your family. These were dance routines to “Billy Don’t Be A Hero” or “Silly Love Songs.” You remember…”I (point with both thumbs at your chest) Love (wrists crossed against chest) You (arm out-stretched, finger pointing at bored, squirming family).”
-“The Shining” was the first scary movie you ever saw (and my last).
-You used to be “Ditto Monitor” at school.
-You would NEVER eat “Pop Rock” and drink Coke at the same time for fear your head would explode.
– You had a satin jacket with matching satin shorts and hat.
-Your Mom; colored her hair in the sink, bought her dishes at the grocery store and watched Lawrence Welk every week.
-You blew your entire back-to-school clothing allowance on one pair of Chemin De Fer Jeans.
You had a pair of these Roller Skates.
With the pom poms...
and you got back together with your seventh-grade boyfriend when it was girls-ask-boys to skate, and they played “Reunited” by Peaches & Herb.
You had a cool older brother. My brother Rob had a 1972 pea-green Plymouth Duster. This is the only picture I have of him with it. Those 110 cameras took THE worst pictures.
I guarantee that is a Sex Wax T-shirt tied around his waist and this is the eight track that was in his player.
(ELO, Telephone Line. Still a great song. It is also my default ringtone on my iPhone “Hello. How Are You? Have you been alright…”)
You remember these commercials: The Tootsie Pop Owl and this Coke one used to mesmerize young me.
You score 100% on this 1970’s TV Quiz.
You idolized Mary. Linking to myself, again, You’re Going To Make It After All.
These songs made you cry everytime you heard them.
Terry Jacks “Seasons In The Sun (young man dies)”, Henry Gross’ “Shannon (dog dies)”, Eric Carmen’s “All By Myself, (whole family dies)”, Michael Murphy’s “Wildfire (horse dies then girlfriend dies)”, Don McLean’s “Vincent (artist dies)”
And you LOVED Ponch from CHiPs, (thanks for the tip Joey) and this is your favorite scene:
(Poncharello competes in a “battle of the bands”. He loses, but gives his thumbs up at the end anyway, very classy.)
If any of these are true of you, please consult Retro Junk, Plaid Stallion, and Pink Floyd’s Fan Club Page.
Don’t forget that if you were a child of the 70’s you HAD to play CHER with a big towel on your head…singing “I got you babe” in the mirror.
I KNOW you did it too!
There’s equal reason to support or object to the proposed Google Books settlement: Creating a digital catalogue of the worlds’ words might be the Holy Grail of intellectual empowerment.Yet building that library in the clouds would be allowed without the rightsholders’ consent — which the Justice Department and others contend is a…!
…didn’t find it on 🙂
Sorry, if choose this incorrectly! Move it, please!
Theoretically, you could be right on this, but, practically… who knows?
O alta legatura infiripata tot prin joc este prietenia dintre Danut, Olguta si Monica. Cei trei copii devin un singur suflet, un singur destin, pe mosia Medeleni, primele lor activitati fiind jocurile. Daca Monica, maturizata inainte de vreme, este in stare sa renunte la lupta in micile lor intreceri sportive, Danut si Olguta au din plin spiritul competitiei. Curiozitatea copilareasca si imaginatia lui Danut o transforma pe Monica in Ileana Cosanzeana si, crezandu-se el insusi Fat-Frumos, o saruta pentru prima oara. Mai tarziu, indepartat si insingurat, el va gasi refugiu in sufletul ei bun si iubitor. Povestea celor doi se sfarseste cu o casatorie reusita. Astfel, putem afirma ca si iubirea, sentimentul cel mai cantat in versuri, se poate naste din joc. jocuri pentru copii
Un alt joc, dureros de data aceasta, il joaca Olguta. Ea isi ascunde durerea, sentimentele, gandurile fata de familie si de prieteni, pare mai fericita decat este. Desi pe fata ei se observa anumite semne – simulacrul ei nu este perfect – Olguta isi insuseste fara ca altii sa-si dea seama, o viata care nu este a ei, de om fericit, de om linistit, caci in realitate zbuciumul interior nu-i da pace. Logodna fratelui sau cu Monica distrage atentia celorlalti astfel incat jocul ei se desfasoara fara vreo interventie din exterior. Motivele ei sunt intemeiate – stia ca ceilalti vor suferi afland de boala ei si ca vor incerca s-o impiedice sa faca gestul disperat, as spune eu- si Olguta si-a jucat atat de bine rolul incat vestea sinuciderii ei a cazut ca un traznet peste cunoscuti. jocuri pentru copii
Aceasta subiectivitate cu care este tratata copilaria desluseste un univers specific, in care un obiect are o imagine aparte si fiece conceptie este filtrata prin prisma proprie, devenind specifica poetului. Aparand in mai multe opere literare, jocul a luat diferite forme de-a lungul timpului. Sensul lui s-a schimbat de la un scriitor la altul, de la cel prim de activitate distractiva pana la cel mai profund. Unul din meritele sale cele mai mari este ca bogatia aceasta a sensurilor sale a sporit frumusetea si varietatea literaturii insasi.
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