It’s been a tough week for the invisible people in our family. There’s no way to sugarcoat this so I’m just going to come right out and tell you: So-So was fired from The Haunted Mansion at Disneyland for being “too scary.”
You’d think that being a frightening ghost who says “WhooWhoo HaaHaa” to the little kids would make him an asset to his employers. But, when you swoop down and pick up a little boy and fly him all over The Haunted Mansion and leave him at The Magic Shop on Main Street without telling his parents that’s where he should be collected, well, you get your pink slip pretty fast.
So-So has quickly recovered and now has an office job in Costa Mesa. He’s the boss, but no one knows exactly what he does. It has something that for sure involves making lots of copies and using a stapler. So, yep, he’s a working hack now. A stuffed shirt. In this economy he was lucky to find anything at all.
Coco, So-So’s dog, broke his leg last Thursday and spent the entire day at the veterinarian. When he got home we realized he couldn’t jump up onto the ceiling fan, where he sleeps. I volunteered to give him a boost, but Ben just laughed and said, “Mommy, Coco is too heavy for YOU.” So Ben had to hoist him up using two swords and marshmallow shooter.
The next head-spinning development is that Knock-Knock, So-So’s brother, is now a girl. I didn’t want to ask too many questions, so I just let that one go…
If you haven’t the slightest idea what I’m talking about, you can click on these stories below to fill you in on So-So, my son’s invisible friend.
Originally published January 0092
I have to say, your son keeps you on your toes. Is it possible that he scripts these things in advance and has you ghost writing for him? ‘~D
What a cute kid he must be!
I hope you’re taking notes.
I think So-So needs a blog.
Oh and your son too…..he could be a guest poster or something. 😉
Hey ask him to draw pictures of So-So and the Gang….I am dying to see what they look like. For some reason I think he has purple hair. And is possible a Goth. Just sayin.
I am so excited about the Disneyland thing too. Have you got any details yet? I still don’t know where to go! or what time! And I am a PLANNER so this is buggin me big time.
How exciting! Oh, the Disneyland trip not So-so getting fired. You know times are tough when the So-so’s of the world are getting pink slips.
That Disneyland thing sounds so cool. Kinda like a dream come true for an Orange County born-and-raised girl. Have fun.
Probably best that So-So won’t be there. You know because he’s such a jerk right now.
I’ve got an idea for an improvement for Small World: incorporate some lazer guns (a la Buzz Lightyear) and GO TO TOWN.
Ok, totally kidding. Can’t believe I even said that. So-So made me do that. Tell me you got that email too. If he’s not careful, he’s going to get fired from him job for using the company email in an innapropriate manner!
Ok, this is the REAL Nik talking now: I’m so excited for you! (While burning with envy, of course.) Can’t wait to hear all about it. You totally had me laughing, I’m a big fan of So-So. And you, of course! Just not of It’s A Small World. 😉
Yes, get SO SO a blog…or better yet, have your SON start a blog…he has quite the imagination.
(I want a marshmallow shooter too)
It’s a small world is getting updated???? What??? it seemed so timeless. Kidding…that thing is so flippin old….really, it needed an update.
I am not in the least jealous. I get to go to the South FLorida fair this weekend and have toothless carnies yell obsenties at myself and my kids. Now, who is jealous? huh?
I’m so not happy for you!!!! No, seriously take some photos! I expect to see more. So sorry for Coco and maybe Knock-Knock can participate in Miss America now.
With the way things are going these days, I’m not surprised that Disney was looking for a reason to just get rid of So-So. He might enjoy copy machines though. There is a really strong possibility that Knock-Knock is going to need therapy. I wonder what their name is going to be. Also, I’m sorry to hear that marshmallow shooters are stronger than you are…but all in all, it’s a good thing Coco is okay.
And yes, some sort of documentation is necessary. This is just too good!
I would be jealous of your Disney extravaganza…but I worked there for 6 years…it’s hard to get on board from time to time.
I’m envious of Suz, who is spending the weekend with carnies. i’m fascinated by carnies…the adventures and travel, the freedom of the road, the smoking and drinking. sure it sounds a bit like a cross between a vagabond and an escaped convict, but who cares. it could also be the future of So-So if he is not careful.
Truth is stranger than fiction….
So-So has a real attitude problem in my opinion.
You know, I feel such a connection with you Suz, and we were practically separated at birth…sure I can’t join the family for a day of Disney? I could be Doh-Doh, So-So’s mommy…
The Adventures of So-So. What great stories. At least publish a book on your PC for the family to keep. He’s his mother’s son. Writing is in his blood!
It sucks that you’re so nice; otherwise, I’d have to hate you for the Disneyland thing.
Just don’t tell So-So about it!
Um, I’m happy for you…. you saw right through that didn’t you? 😉
Is it sacrelige to admit here that I could take or leave all things Disney?
There, I’ve said it. Sorry; don’t mean to offend. We are all citizens of the world, right?
The whole So-So saga? I am loving it. None of my boys did imaginary friends… but my sister named each of her arms and legs. There was Joey, Joey’s Mom, Joey-knock-joey (the knock-knock reminded me of that) and another one that I can’t remember, except that I know it didn’t quite match the other three. She was way smarter than me.
what a wonderful post my clever, wonderful friend! have fun at dland 🙂
Sounds like an exciting outing to me 😉
Every time I visit, I get something new. How you keep from laughing all the time, I will never know. I myself chuckle a lot thanks to you!
I think it was ‘the glamorous life’ that said so-so needs his own blog. I agree!
Too too funny. Today my Ben’s invisible friend, True, pushed me. It might be time for True to get the axe.
Count me in the aflame with envy category! How’d you get so lucky?
So-so just makes me smile. I hope he isn’t gone too long. Reminds me of my nieces friend “Becky” who lived in a ranch with 100 horses and 100 dogs and could just play all day long. Becky made lots of messes and got into trouble too. So sweet…
I don’t know how you keep track! He sure has a great imagination.
you always bring us big laughs…
and i think whooooop… how fun to get to sneak peek… ride… that attaction… VERY neat and WAY cool!
Too bad for So-So – imaginary friends aren’t the most stable are they? I think we still have a tiny, a snuggie, and a bob around here somewhere…
Hopefully we will see you Saturday – I think we signed up for the afternoon ride…
Oh that So-So! What a free spirit! Get it? Free SPIRIT!
I hate to be a narc, but I think I saw So-So at Disneyland yesterday. He was hiding behind the fence at “it’s a small world.” I couldn’t actually see him, but I could see a security badge dangling in mid-air – it looks like his manager forgot to collect it.
Soooo jealous is not even funny! LOL.
So-so is a true funny fellow! 😀
Last Sat. morning, our 4 year old son was trying to get us to get out of bed and we were kind of ignoring him… then we heard him say, “Lucas? Say something Lucas!” And we said, who is Lucas? And after a little bit of coaxing, we were informed that Lucas was his imaginary friend. It was really cute… our older two sons didn’t have imag. friends, at least that we knew about.