My mom gave me this hat “for when you take the kids to the pool this summer.” This is classic behavior for my mom. She also renews my subscription to “Gourmet” magazine every year and bought me a creme brulee torch–she has a very optimistic view of who I am. As a mom should.
I’m calling this hat The Suburban Sombrero, like the Urban Sombrero that sunk Elaine’s career at J. Peterman on Seinfeld.
I don’t know about you, but I can hardly make it though the day without a Seinfeld reference siddling its way in somewhere.
Suz found this montage on YouTube of The Top 100 Seinfeld Quotes. Suz will get upset if you don’t watch it. Suz is happy you read her blog.
Ah,Moms DO give the most heartfelt presents don’t they? Do we get to see pics of your perfected creme brulee next??
you look like you should be at the races with the OC Housewives!
Wait a minute…where ARE you??? Under the tent????
So cute.
I also love Seinfeld as well as “friends”.
I remember too many of the episodes, that is why I can’t remember important stuff.
Can’t get the montage, I went to your hospitality site… are subliminally trying to book hotel rooms arent’ you????
oh… i think i need an urban sombrero… now if i get a hat like that… i want to look like YOU in it! 🙂
very pretty!
I think it would be pretty darn funny if my Mom had grand ideas for me seeing as how her idea of cooking is throwing some frozen Marie Callendar’s dinners in the microwave. Wait. Maybe I shouldn’t have said that, I think she reads your blog. I’d be likely to buy the creme brulee torch and the subscription to Gourmet. To which my Mom would say, “What would you do with those?”
On another note, I love Seinfeld. As I love Friends. I will have to go back and watch the montage of Seinfeld clips later. I frequently find myself slipping into lines from the show but yada, yada, yada you don’t want to read about that.
– Elaina
P.S. I dare you to wear the hat.
That is hilarious. I think we all need to do fashion shows and take turns wearing the hat. Or maybe we need to do a Del mar blogging/twitter trip?
oh noooo, maybe the hat could go around the world and bloggers could post a photo with it on…what do you reckon?
maybe I can borrow your hat for my trip to the Kentucky Derby????? Something to think about 🙂
Moms are the best. When I first moved to NYC, my mother gave me a monogrammed blanket cover I slept on a futon. With no blanket. And for Christmas that year, she gave me some silver serving pieces “for when I entertained.” I never laughed so hard in my life. I could not afford to feed myself. Much less “entertain.” I’d better see that hat on you this pool season;)
OHHHHHHHH, then you totally appreciated my tweet about making your doctor wait until you were ready for HER!
Too funny! I didn’t even read this when I sent that!
I’m more likely to quote Friends during the day…so I totally know where you’re coming from!
I want to see what you’re going to be wearing under that sombrero. Hopefully something retro and kitschy. As of late your photos have been sublime. Here, here!
This is a little much, but you still look cute. I think I have seen every Seinfeld. I miss that show.
Love the Seinfeld quotes. Miss the Seinfeld show. I like the idea of sending the hat all over the Internet. Maybe along with the creme brulee torch. You could hold a contest: Most unconventional use of hat and torch in domestic setting?
Maybe the dingo ate your baby, yadda, yadda, yadda. Now that I watched that and got a refresher you know I am going to me saying it constantly (LOL).
I’m liking this idea of sending this cat around the blog-o-sphere. Of course, partly because I don’t have blog myself. It could be big. like where’s Matt? You certainly seem to have enough readers.
Are you watching this game tonight? OT! The Ducks really want it bad. Finally. Let’s Go Ducks!
Oh, yeah, cute hat yadda yadda yadda
SSG is happy you write this blog and thinks you’re the cutest person ever. And SSG LOVES HERSELF some Seinfeld!
I was thinking you looked like Samantha in the Sex and the City movie. She was in CA…so it must totally be in style, right?? 😉
Oh that mom.
So concerned about skin cancer and your delicate skin.
Promise me you will not wear that while out with me.
Lookin’ HAWT there Mama!!!
Seinfeld quotes….all three of us, multiple times per day:) Wait. That didn’t sound right…
So what are you planning to wear with your super fabulous suburban sombrero?
Hat — adorable! I want one.
wow. now THAT is a hat. hey it could be worse. it could be bright yellow. it looks like a perfect hat to wear when lunching with the ladies… hehe
I have a hat very similar to that, except I bought it for myself! I’m new here, that’s my excuse.
Obviously you’re not master of your domain. Otherwise, you’d not wear the hat.
I love the hat! You look great in it ~ it’s a perfect gardening hat too. Well, maybe more of a lounging-in-the-chaise sort of hat, while looking at the garden. (a coincidence ~ my mum gave me a big floppy brimmed hat for my last birthday. I’ll have to dig it out one of these days.)
I love the urban sombrero!! It’s a cute look. It also reminds me of the large hat that Rachel on Friends wore in that episode where they stay at the beach house with all of the sand in it.
Your mom sounds exceptionally cool. 🙂
I loved Seinfeld so much. Sponge worthy, the Soup Nazi, shrinkage, nip… oh, the laughs!!!
HA!!! Seinfeld was my nursing show with CJ. I DVRed every episode and would watch them at all hours of the day and night to get me through the suck fest (I watched Will and Grace with Eli)
oh how i miss seinfeld! time to break out the dvds.
Hellooooooo, Newman. Moses would have worn that hat, because Moses was a pickah. I would wear that hat, too, with my puffy shirt, but only on Festivus. Get out, right?
Serenity now.
OK — here it is, mid-summer. Sure hope you are actually wearing that hat when you take the kids to the pool/beach! It’s only ’cause I love ya!