-You were banned from wearing your Sex Wax T-shirt to Sunday school.
-You and your cousin did “shows” for your family. These were dance routines to tunes like “Billy Don’t Be A Hero” or “Silly Love Songs.” You remember…”I (point with both thumbs at your chest) Love (wrists crossed against chest) You (arm out-stretched, finger pointing at bored, squirming family).”
-You doused yourself with Love’s Babysoft before leaving the house.
-“The Shining” was the first scary movie you ever saw (and my last).
-You thought going to Knott’s Scary Farm was the best night of the whole year.
-You used to be “Ditto Monitor” at school, in charge of helping the teacher at the ditto machine in the school office.
-You would NEVER eat “Pop Rocks” and drink Coke at the same time for fear your head would explode.
-You thought Mr. Bill was hilarious.
– You had a satin jacket with matching satin shorts and hat.
-Your family’s big night out was either at Charlie Brown’s, The Velvet Turtle, or Sam’s Seafood.
-Your Mom; colored her hair in the sink, bought her dishes at Alpha-Beta, and watched Lawrence Welk every week.
-After a day spent at the beach, you thought Jack-in-the-boxes tacos were the best food ever made!
-You and your girlfriends thought Scott Farnsworth was a total babe.
-You and your seventh-grade boyfriend got back together after they played “Reunited” by Peaches & Herb at The Holiday Roller Skating Rink.
-You stayed up late to listen to Dr. Demento on your radio which was hidden under your pillow.
-You had a blue cruiser, your friend had a red cruiser, your other friend had a blue cruiser and your other friend had a red cruiser…
-You used to layout covered head-to-toe in baby oil.
-Your Mom had to bribe you into taking off your down vest so she could wash it.
-You had a KLOS Pink Floyd rainbow bumper sticker on your bedroom door.
Please feel free to add your bits of the 70’s…I know I missed some.
One of my favorites! Love the picture of Randall.